An ‘English Only!’ classroom
Classroom Language
Discussion: mother tongue or English in the classroom
a. What's the situation at present?
b. Why is the mother tongue used?
(it's easy
students & teacher don't want to lose face
students de-motivated by a teacher who always corrects their English
students want express themselves 'properly' and remain shy until they are confident enough to do so
English is not 'in')
c. When is it OK to use mother tongue?
concept check
keep the lesson moving along
inject humour)
d. How can we persuade people to use English instead of the mother tongue in the classroom?
(discuss why English is important
respond positively to every effort by students to speak English
don't tell students off for using mothe tongue, but keep using English yourself
only 'hear' English - ignore everything else
do a lot of fluency work without correction to build confidence
use lots of pair or small group work, so students can use English without losing face in front of the class
try to create an English environment - pics, words, etc.
be patient!)
Creating an English Language Environment
Discussion: How can we create an English environment for the students?
It is important to create an environment that supports the English language learner resources
One way to help learners is to include rebus/picture charts, graphs, bulletin board items, planning boards and daily routine charts with pictures that demonstrate the action the children need to perform in the classroom. For instance, the task of washing hands on the daily schedule could have a picture of children washing their hands.
When selecting books, begin with the books that children can relate to in someway. Connect the book with something that the children are familiar with in their own lives and culture.
The classroom should have a wide variety of materials available for children to explore, both for psychomotor and perceptual reasons, so that the children gain familiarity with a diversity of objects in the world and become comfortable with.
Children are able to learn about the world and how it works.
Throughout the classroom, use visual labels with the names of objects to aid the children in under standing and learning the language necessary for succeeding in the school.
- pics, maps, big words on coloured paper
- English in the classroom
- give a little English cultural input - royal family, facts about London, sport, etc
- etc
- etc
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