Free tools that support disabled students in the classroom

Ideas to accommodate school furniture, make mobility devices, educational toys and playground toys. See link


Many of these tools require a computer and if a computer is available they can greatly increase access to curricula for many students.  If you have a student that is vision impaired, has eye problems that affect tracking and fatique, learning disabilities such as dyslexia that affect reading, ADHD that affects attention span, or students who are language learners screen readers can greatly increase learning for these students.  Screen readers also benefit all students because they provide a platform for learners to interact with the text. 


Screen readers: 


Kurzweil-This tool does cost money but is an excellent resource for struggling readers, including individuals with learning difficulties, such as dyslexia, attention deficit disorder or those who are language learners.  It is an interactive computer program allowing students to engage with digital text. This tool enables the computer to audibly read text (any text: downloaded or scanned), and provides visuals to accompany text and word definitions for all words.


Click Speak-Tool that can be downloaded for free from the website.  This tool reads websites audibly, and any downloaded text.  Also, if you click on a word that you do not understand it provides a definition and picture.


Universal Designs for Learning by CAST-Free digitized classic stories for ages 10 and up.  Teachers have visuals and lesson plans to accompany the digital books to help all learners.p.


CAST UDL Bookbuilder-Free digitized books that teachers have developed. Similar platform to Universal Designs for Learning.


Pacecar enables students to focus on a small section of the website and darken out distracting advertisements and graphics.


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