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Page history last edited by Stephanie Knox 13 years, 9 months ago



The Dr. Hungwa Memorial Peace Education Program is the result of the hard work of many individuals.


This program would not exist without Raphael Ogar Oko, TWB’s Africa Regional Coordinator and Country Coordinator in Nigeria, who inspired the creation of this resource, and who contributed valuable input and insights throughout the process. We want to thank him for being the catalyst for this program and his tireless efforts to advance human welfare by engaging and supporting teachers and community leaders around the world.


We would also like to thank Rachel Ellis, who contributed to the Environmental Education section of this program by sharing her expertise and the lesson plans she developed for the award-winning documentary FLOW: For Love of Water.


We would like to thank Dr. Konrad Glogowski, TWB Director of Programs, under whose astute leadership and guidance this program came to fruition and whose meaningful and thoughtful contributions helped to bring the program to its greatest potential. His firm commitment to peace education as demonstrated by this program will benefit teachers and communities across the world.


We would like to thank our team of dedicated interns who made a substantial contribution to this program: Olivia Drew, Meghan Flaherty, Caroline Green, Julia Smith, Gwen Stamm, and Jonathan Stone. Their involvement made it possible to develop this program in record time.


We would also like to give a special thanks to the Hague Appeal for Peace and the Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies, whose peace education resources provided a strong foundation and a valuable model for this peace education program.


We hope that our collective efforts will help to bring peace education to teachers worldwide – one teacher and classroom at a time, and will contribute to the growing movement for a culture of peace.



Stephanie Knox Cubbon

Coordinator, Peace Education Program

Teachers Without Borders



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